불과 2년 전일이다.
코인베이스 지분 투자 소식을 들었다. 그동안 리플사를 비롯해 크립토 회사 몇 곳에 지분 투자를 한 적이 있긴 했으나, 코인베이스만큼 확신이 든 곳은 없었다. 코인베이스 지분에는 무조건 참여해야 한다고 생각했다. 그러나 이러한 확신에도 불구하고 투자 규모는 크지 않았다. 2018년 1월부터 이어진 크립토 시장의 장기 침체로 보유한 크립토 자산의 가치는 1/9 수준으로 폭락했고, 크립토의 미래는 끝도 없이 비관적으로 보였다.
코인베이스 펀딩이 있던 2019년 초는 크립토 시장이 1년 넘게 침체되며 분위기가 좋지 않을 때였다. 크립토 업계 사람들 상당수는 업계를 떠났고, 비트코인은 끝났다는 이야기가 곳곳에서 나왔으며, 아직도 비트코인을 하냐는 비아냥이 넘쳤다. 비트코인은 끝났다는 이야기들이 곳곳에서 나왔다. 투자 금액은 참여 최소 자본이었던 1천 달러만 참여하였고, 27.6주를 받았다. 2019년 2월 27일이었다.
2년이 지나 크롭토 시장은 완전히 바뀌었다. 비트코인은 4천 달러에서 5만 달러로 상승했고, 코인베이스는 나스닥 상장을 앞두고 있다. 주식을 더 이상 발행하지 않는 직상장 방법을 택했으며, 나스닥에 S-1 보고서를 제출했다. 2020년 3.2 달러 순이익을 낸 회사가 1천억 달러(원화로 110조원)로 평가 받는다. PER 312.5배. 어마어마한 가치 평가이다.
주당 373달러. 현재 내가 보유한 주식은 약 1만 달러 상당에 해당한다.
상장을 하더라도 계속 보유를 이어갈 생각이다.
당시 BF는 코인베이스 지분 0.0067%를 55.7만 달러에 인수했다. 지분 0.0067%의 가치는 기업가치를 1천억 달러로 평가했을 때 670만 달러가 되었다.
코인베이스 지분 투자 현황
시리즈 전체
세컨더리 마켓에서 거래되는 곳들도 있는 듯하다.
코인베이스 주주 현황은 다음과 같다.
브라이언 암스트롱을 비롯한 대주주들이 몇명 보인다. 뱅투에서 보유한 것은 0.0067%라 표시되어 있지도 않다.
*Represents beneficial ownership of less than 1% of our outstanding shares of common stock.
(1)Represents (i) 2,753,924 shares underlying options to purchase Class A common stock that are exercisable within 60 days of January 31, 2021; (ii) 25,959,129 shares of Class B common stock held by The Brian Armstrong Living Trust; (iii) 2,215,422 shares of Class B common stock held by the Brian Armstrong 2018 Grantor Retained Annuity Trust; (iv) 7,726,792 shares of Class B common stock held by the Brian Armstrong 2020 Grantor Retained Annuity Trust; and (v) 950,490 shares of Class B common stock held by The Ehrsam 2014 Irrevocable Trust, of which Mr. Armstrong is trustee.
(2)Represents 2,002,036 shares underlying options to purchase Class A common stock that are exercisable within 60 days of January 31, 2021.
(3)Represents 915,331 shares underlying options to purchase Class A common stock that are exercisable within 60 days of January 31, 2021.
(4)Represents (i) 5,516,037 shares of Class A common stock and (ii) 23,961,498 shares of Class B common stock held by entities affiliated with Andreessen Horowitz, as reflected in footnote 9 below. Mr. Andreessen, a member of our board of directors, is a general partner of Andreessen Horowitz, and therefore, may be deemed to share voting and investment power with regard to the shares held directly by Andreessen Horowitz. The address for Mr. Andreessen is c/o Andreessen Horowitz, 2865 Sand Hill Road, Suite 101, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
(5)Represents (i) 8,425,831 shares of Class B common stock held by The Frederick Ernest Ehrsam III Living Trust; (ii) 2,997,461 shares of Class B common stock held by The Frederick Ernest Ehrsam III 2020 Grantor Retained Annuity Trust; (iii) 601,637 shares of Class B common stock held by the Brian Armstrong Legacy Trust, of which Mr. Ehrsam is trustee; (iv) 3,089,574 shares of Class B common stock held by The Armstrong 2014 Irrevocable Trust, of which Mr. Ehrsam is trustee, and (v) 2,570,459 shares of Class A common stock held by Paradigm Fund L.P., as reflected in footnote 10 below. Mr. Ehrsam, a member of our board of directors, is a managing member of Paradigm Fund L.P., and, therefore, may be deemed to have voting and investment power with regard to the shares held directly by Paradigm Fund L.P.
(6)Represents (i) (A) 181,000 shares of Class A common stock and (B) 19,000 shares of Class B common stock held by EZT Trust; (ii) 150,000 shares of Class B common stock held by Gheradesca Annuity Trust; and (iii) 117,854 shares of Class B common stock held by Gheradesca LLC, of which 12,445 shares are unvested and subject to repurchase by us.
(7)Represents 13,902,324 shares of Class B common stock held by entities affiliated with Union Square Ventures, as reflected in footnote 13 below. Mr. Wilson, a member of our board of directors, is a general partner of Union Square Ventures, and therefore, may be deemed to share voting and investment power with regard to the shares held directly by Union Square Ventures. The address for Mr. Wilson is c/o Union Square Ventures, 915 Broadway, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10010.
(8)Represents (i) 8,272,840 shares of Class A common stock; (ii) 90,436,463 shares of Class B common stock; (iii) 7,702,340 shares underlying options to purchase shares of Class A common stock that are exercisable within 60 days of January 31, 2021; (iv) 1,510,549 shares underlying options to purchase shares of Class B common stock that are exercisable within 60
184 days of January 31, 2021; and (v) 23,025 shares of Class A common stock subject to RSUs that are settleable within 60 days of January 31, 2021.
(9)Represents (i) 27,630 shares of Class A common stock and 21,714,684 shares of Class B common stock held by Andreessen Horowitz Fund III, L.P. for itself and as nominee for Andreessen Horowitz Fund III-A, L.P., Andreessen Horowitz Fund III-B, L.P., and Andreessen Horowitz Fund III-Q, L.P., which are collectively referred to as the “Andreessen Horowitz Fund III Entities”; (ii) 4,618,842 shares of Class A common stock held by Andreessen Horowitz LSV Fund I, L.P., for itself and as nominee for Andreessen Horowitz LSV Fund I-B, L.P. and Andreessen Horowitz LSV Fund I-Q, L.P., which are collectively referred to as the “Andreessen Horowitz LSV Entities”; (iii) 1,817,334 shares of Class B common stock held by AH Parallel Fund III, L.P. for itself and as nominee for AH Parallel Fund III-A, L.P., AH Parallel Fund III-B, L.P., and AH Parallel Fund III-Q, L.P., which are collectively referred to as the “AH Parallel Fund III Entities”; (iv) 429,480 shares of Class B common stock held by a16z Seed-III, L.L.C., which is referred to as “a16z Seed”; and (v) 869,565 shares of Class A common stock held by CNK Fund I, L.P. for itself and as nominee for CNK Fund I-B, L.P. and CNK Fund I-Q., L.P, which are collectively referred to as the “CNK Entities”. AH Equity Partners III, L.L.C., (“AH Equity Partners III”), the general partner of the Andreessen Horowitz Fund III Entities, has sole voting and dispositive power with regard to the shares held by the Andreessen Horowitz Fund III Entities. AH Equity Partners LSV I, L.L.C., (“AH Equity Partners LSV”), the general partner of the Andreessen Horowitz LSV Entities, has sole voting and dispositive power with regard to the shares held by the Andreessen Horowitz LSV Entities. AH Equity Partners III (Parallel), L.L.C., (“AH Equity Partners III (Parallel)”), the general partner of the AH Parallel Fund III Entities, has sole voting and dispositive power with regard to the shares held by the AH Parallel Fund III Entities. The shares held directly by a16z Seed are indirectly held by the Andreessen Horowitz Fund III Entities and the members of a16z Seed. AH Equity Partners III, the general partner of the Andreessen Horowitz Fund III Entities, has sole voting and dispositive power with regard to the shares held by a16z Seed. CNK Equity Partners I, L.L.C., (“CNK Equity Partners”), the general partner of the CNK Fund Entities, has sole voting and dispositive power with regard to the shared held by the CNK Fund Entities. Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz are the managing members of each of AH Equity Partners III, AH Equity Partners LSV, AH Equity Partners III (Parallel), and CNK Equity Partners. The address for each of these entities is 2865 Sand Hill Road, Suite 101, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
(10)Represents 2,570,459 shares of Class A common stock held by Paradigm Fund L.P. Paradigm Fund GP LLC, the general partner of Paradigm Fund L.P. has sole voting and investment power with regard to the shares held by Paradigm Fund L.P. The Frederick Ernest Ehrsam III Living Trust and Matt Huang are the managing members of Paradigm Fund GP LLC. Mr. Ehrsam is the trustee of The Frederick Ernest Ehrsam III Living Trust. The address for this entity is c/o Maples Corporate Services Limited, Ugland House, PO Box 309, George Town, Grand Cayman E9 KY1-1104.
(11)Represents (i) 1,020,672 shares of Class B common stock held by CB-D Ribbit Opportunity I, LLC; (ii) 10,089,161 shares of Class B common stock held by Ribbit Capital, L.P.; (iii) 560,610 shares of Class B common stock held by CB Ribbit Holdings, LLC; and (iv) 325,506 shares of Class B common stock held by CB Ribbit Opportunity I, LLC. The address for this entity is 364 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 9430.
(12)Represents 2,624,880 shares of Class A common stock held by Tiger Global Private Investment Partners XI, L.P, an affiliate of Tiger Global Management, LLC. The address for this entity is c/o Tiger Global Management, LLC, 9 West 57th Street, 35th Floor, New York, NY 10019.
(13)Represents (i) 11,626,100 shares of Class B common stock held by Union Square Ventures 2012 Fund, L.P., or USV 2012 Fund; (ii) 449,762 shares of Class B common stock held by USV Investors 2012 Fund, L.P., or USV Investors 2012 Fund; (iii) 1,738,007 shares of Class B common stock held by USV Opportunity 2014, LP, or USV Opportunity 2014 Fund, and (iv) 88,455 shares of Class B common stock held by USV Opportunity Investors 2014, LP., or USV Opportunity Investors 2014 Fund. Union Square 2012 GP, L.L.C., or Union Square 2012, is the general partner of USV 2012 Fund and USV Investors 2012 Fund, and has sole voting and investment power with regard to the shares held by USV 2012 Fund and USV Investors 2012 Fund. USV Opportunity 2014 GP, LLC, or USV Opportunity 2014, is the general partner of USV Opportunity 2014 Fund and USV Opportunity Investors 2014 Fund, and has sole voting and investment power with regard to the shares held by USV Opportunity 2014 Fund and USV Opportunity Investors 2014 Fund. We refer to Union Square 2012 and USV Opportunity 2014 and affiliated entities as Union Square Ventures. Fred Wilson, Brad Burnham, Albert Wenger, John Buttrick, and Andy Weissman are partners at Union Square Ventures and, therefore, may be deemed to have shared voting and investment power with regard to the shares held directly by Union Square Ventures. The address for each of these entities is 915 Broadway, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10010.
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